Ingredient Disclosure
Ingredient Disclosure
The California Cleaning Products Right To Know Act Of 2017 (SB-258) Requires Manufacturers Of Certain Cleaning Products Sold In California To Disclose Ingredients Online And On Product Labels. Online Disclosures For Each Product Include:
- A list of “intentionally added” ingredients in the product;
- A list of all “nonfunctional constituents” present in the designated product at a concentration at or above 0.01 percent (100 parts per million);
- The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) chemical identification number for all listed chemicals;
- The functional purpose served by each intentionally added ingredient;
- Hyperlinks to government information websites for chemicals, such as the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment Proposition 65 consumer information website (Cleaning Product Right to Know Act of 2017 - Designated Lists can be viewed here); and
- A hyperlink to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each product.
To learn more visit SB-258 Cleaning Products Right to Know Act of 2017.
Links for the designated lists are grouped together in a single location on the California Department of Toxic Substances Control website, accessible via the following link:
Ingredients are listed in descending order of predominance by weight in the product.

PURE® Hard Surface
- Water CAS# 7732-18-5Carrier
- Citric acid CAS# 77-92-9Active Ingredient /Stabilizer
- Sodium lauryl sulfate
CAS# 151-21-3Wetting Agent
- Ionic silver CAS# 14701-21-4Active Ingredient

PURE® Multi-Purpose and Floor Cleaner Concentrate
- Water CAS# 7732-18-5Carrier
- C12-C15 Alcohols Ethoxylated
CAS# 68131-39-5Cleaning Agent
- Citric acid CAS# 77-92-9Preservative
- Ionic silver CAS# 14701-21-4Preservative

PURE® Hi-Foam and Multi-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate
- Water CAS# 7732-18-5Carrier
- Lauramine oxide
CAS# 1643-20-5Cleaning Agent
- C12-C15 Alcohols Ethoxylated
CAS# 68131-39-5Cleaning Agent
- Citric acid CAS# 77-92-9Preservative
- Ionic silver CAS# 14701-21-4Preservative